Hank Adams Kiewit: Leading Innovations in Construction Excellence

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Written By Scarlett Autumn

William and Scarlett write insightful content on Business, Technology, Lifestyle, and News.

Ever wonder how a construction company stays at the top of its game for decades? Meet Hank Adams, the driving force behind Kiewit Corporation’s success. This article dives into how Adams transformed Kiewit through innovative leadership, strategic acquisitions, and a relentless focus on safety and quality.

Early Life and Education

Adams didn’t just stumble into construction. He built his career from the ground up, starting with an AAS in applied science from SUNY Delhi. But he didn’t stop there. He went on to bag a bachelor’s in construction engineering from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

This mix of practical and theoretical knowledge set the stage for his future success. It’s like he was building a bridge between classroom concepts and real-world applications.

Joining Kiewit and Early Career

In 1979, Adams took his first step into Kiewit as a field engineer. Think of it as starting in the mailroom of a tech company – you’ve got to learn the ropes from the bottom up.

Adams didn’t just learn; he excelled. His knack for solving complex problems on-site caught the eye of higher-ups. It wasn’t long before he was climbing the corporate ladder, project by project.

Major Projects and Achievements

Remember the Queens Borough Bridge reconstruction? That was Adams. The $600 million Willis Avenue Bridge project? Yep, him again.

These weren’t just bridges; they were statements. Statements that said, “Kiewit can handle anything you throw at us.” Under Adams’ watch, these projects weren’t just completed – they set new standards in the industry.

Leadership Roles and Contributions

Leadership Roles and Contributions

As Executive VP, Adams isn’t just pushing papers. He’s shaping Kiewit’s future from the boardroom. But his influence doesn’t stop at Kiewit’s doors.

He’s been president of the Construction Institute and The Moles. He’s held key positions with the New Jersey Associated General Contractors of America. Adams isn’t just part of the construction world – he’s helping to steer it.

Kiewit’s Acquisition Strategy

Ever heard the phrase “go big or go home”? Adams took it to heart with Kiewit’s acquisition of Weeks Marine. This wasn’t just buying a company; it was adding a whole new dimension to Kiewit’s capabilities.

Suddenly, Kiewit wasn’t just about land-based projects. They were players in maritime construction too. It’s like a chess player suddenly getting the ability to move in 3D.

Commitment to Safety and Quality

In construction, cutting corners can cost lives. Adams gets this. He’s made safety and quality the cornerstones of Kiewit’s culture.

It’s not just about following regulations. It’s about setting new standards. Under Adams, Kiewit doesn’t just meet expectations – they exceed them.

Philanthropy and Community Involvement

Adams isn’t all hard hats and blueprints. He’s got a soft spot for giving back. Take CureSearch for Children’s Cancer. Adams doesn’t just write checks; he gets involved, like with Jakefest fundraising events.

It’s not about PR. It’s about making a real difference in people’s lives, beyond the construction site.

Industry Recognition and Awards

Industry Recognition and Awards

When you’re as good as Adams, people notice. He’s not just collecting trophies; he’s being recognized as a game-changer in construction.

The Distinguished Alumnus Award from SUNY-Delhi? That’s on his shelf. His induction into the National Academy of Construction? That’s like being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but for builders.

Innovative Approaches in Project Management

Adams didn’t just follow the project management rulebook; he rewrote it. At Kiewit, he introduced a lean construction approach that cut waste and boosted efficiency.

Think of it like this: instead of just building faster, Adams figured out how to build smarter. This approach has saved millions and set new industry standards.

Embracing Technology in Construction

Under Adams’ leadership, Kiewit isn’t just using technology; they’re pioneering it. From 3D modeling to drone surveying, Adams has pushed for cutting-edge tools that give Kiewit an edge.

It’s like bringing a smartphone to a flip phone fight. Adams understood early on that in construction, the right tech can be a game-changer.

Environmental Sustainability Initiatives

Adams didn’t just build for today; he built for tomorrow. He championed green construction practices at Kiewit long before it was trendy.

From using recycled materials to implementing energy-efficient designs, Adams made sure Kiewit projects weren’t just structurally sound, but environmentally responsible too.

Mentorship and Team Development

Mentorship and Team Development

Adams knows that Kiewit’s strength isn’t just in steel and concrete, but in its people. He established mentorship programs that nurture fresh talent and keep veteran skills sharp.

It’s like he’s not just building structures; he’s building the next generation of construction leaders.

Crisis Management and Resilience

When the 2008 financial crisis hit, many construction firms stumbled. But under Adams’ guidance, Kiewit didn’t just survive; it thrived.

His strategy? Diversification and adaptability. It’s like he turned Kiewit into a Swiss Army knife of construction – ready for any challenge.

Global Expansion and International Projects

Adams saw beyond borders. He led Kiewit’s expansion into international markets, tackling projects from Canada to Australia.

This wasn’t just about growing bigger; it was about growing smarter. Adams ensured Kiewit could bring its expertise to a global stage.

Building a Culture of Innovation

Adams knew that innovation doesn’t happen by accident. He fostered a company culture where new ideas weren’t just welcome – they were expected.

Think of it as creating an in-house think tank. From project managers to site workers, everyone at Kiewit was encouraged to think creatively and propose better ways of doing things.

Innovation in Contract Management

Adams revolutionized how Kiewit handled contracts. He introduced a collaborative approach that aligned Kiewit’s interests with clients’ needs.

Think of it as turning potential adversaries into partners. This approach not only won more bids but also built lasting relationships.

Future Outlook for Kiewit

Future Outlook for Kiewit

With Adams at the helm, Kiewit isn’t resting on its laurels. They’re looking ahead, ready to tackle the next big challenge in construction.

Whether it’s embracing new technologies or expanding into new markets, Adams is making sure Kiewit stays ahead of the curve. It’s not about being the biggest; it’s about being the best.

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Who is the new CEO of Kiewit? 

Rick Lanoha is the current CEO of Kiewit Corporation. He took over the role in January 2020, succeeding Bruce Grewcock.

What is Hank Adams’ role at Kiewit? 

Hank Adams serves as Executive Vice President at Kiewit. He plays a key role in shaping the company’s strategic direction and overseeing major projects.

How long has Hank Adams been with Kiewit? 

Hank Adams has been with Kiewit for over 40 years. He joined the company in 1979 as a field engineer and has risen through the ranks.

What are some major projects Hank Adams has overseen? 

Adams has overseen several landmark projects, including the Queens Borough Bridge and Willis Avenue Bridge reconstructions. These projects showcase Kiewit’s expertise in large-scale infrastructure work.

How has Hank Adams contributed to Kiewit’s growth? 

Adams has been instrumental in Kiewit’s strategic acquisitions, such as Weeks Marine. He’s also fostered a culture of innovation and safety within the company.


Hank Adams isn’t your average construction bigwig. He’s the guy who’s been shaking things up at Kiewit for over 40 years. Starting as a field engineer, he climbed the ladder to become Executive VP, leaving his mark on projects like the Queens Borough Bridge.

But Adams isn’t all hard hats and blueprints. He’s got a knack for smart moves, like snagging Weeks Marine to boost Kiewit’s maritime game. He’s big on safety, quality, and giving back to the community.

Under his watch, Kiewit’s not just building stuff – they’re building the future. From embracing tech to nurturing talent, Adams has turned Kiewit into a powerhouse that’s ready for whatever comes next in construction.

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