Build Insane Triceps by Doing Skull Crushers – Laz – Tymoff

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Written By Scarlett Autumn

William and Scarlett write insightful content on Business, Technology, Lifestyle, and News.

Ever caught yourself flexing in the mirror, wishing your arms had more oomph? You’re not alone. The secret to eye-catching arms often lies in one powerhouse move: skull crushers. Let’s dive into how this exercise, championed by fitness guru Laz Tymoff, can transform your triceps from meh to magnificent.

Overview of Build Insane Triceps by Doing Skull Crushers – Laz – Tymoff

Skull crushers, despite their intimidating name, are your ticket to triceps that don’t just fill out your sleeves but burst through them. This lying triceps extension is a gem in the world of arm workouts. It’s not just about looking good – though that’s a sweet bonus. It’s about building functional strength that carries over to your daily life and other exercises.

Laz Tymoff, a respected name in fitness circles, swears by skull crushers for developing triceps that are both strong and sculpted. But why take his word for it? Let’s break down the benefits and see why this exercise deserves a prime spot in your arm day routine.

Build Insane Triceps by Doing Skull Crushers – Laz – Tymoff Advantages

Wondering why you should bother with skull crushers when there are a million other triceps exercises out there? Here’s the scoop:

Isolation is key: Skull crushers zero in on your triceps like a laser, giving them no choice but to grow. This targeted approach means every rep counts towards building those horseshoe-shaped muscles on the back of your arms.

Boost your pressing power: Ever struggled with the lockout on bench press or overhead press? Skull crushers strengthen your triceps in a way that directly translates to improved performance in these compound movements.

Versatility is the name of the game: Whether you’re using a barbell, EZ-bar, or dumbbells, skull crushers can be adapted to fit your equipment and preferences. This flexibility means you can keep challenging your muscles in new ways.

Size matters: If you’re after arm growth, skull crushers are your best friend. They target all three heads of the triceps, promoting balanced muscle development and that coveted arm thickness.

Suitable Form and Technique on Build Insane Triceps by Doing Skull Crushers – Laz – Tymoff

Alright, let’s get down to business. Proper form is crucial not just for maximizing gains but also for keeping your elbows happy. Here’s how to crush those skull crushers:

Lie flat on a bench, holding a weight (barbell, EZ-bar, or dumbbells) above your chest with arms extended. Keep your elbows tucked – they’re the stars of this show. Lower the weight towards your forehead by bending at the elbows. Feel that stretch in your triceps? That’s the sweet spot. Pause briefly, then power the weight back up to the starting position.

Remember, control is key. No need to rush – your triceps grow in the struggle, not the speed.

Different Skull Crushers

Variety is the spice of life, and it’s also the key to continuous muscle growth. Let’s explore some skull crusher variations to keep your triceps guessing:

Close-grip skull crushers: Narrow your grip to shift more focus to the inner head of your triceps. It’s a small change with big payoff.

EZ-bar skull crushers: Your wrists will thank you for this one. The angled bar allows for a more natural grip, reducing strain while still hitting your triceps hard.

Dumbbell skull crushers: Going solo with dumbbells challenges your stabilizer muscles and helps iron out any strength imbalances between arms.

Incline skull crushers: Lying on an incline bench changes the angle of attack, emphasizing different parts of your triceps for well-rounded development.

Dumbbell Skull Crushers Techniques

Dumbbell Skull Crushers Techniques

Let’s zoom in on dumbbell skull crushers. They’re a game-changer for building symmetrical strength and ironing out any imbalances lurking in your triceps.

Dumbbell Skull Crushers Technique:

Here’s your step-by-step guide to nailing dumbbell skull crushers:

  1. Bench position: Lie flat on a bench, feet planted firmly on the ground. This stable base is crucial for isolating your triceps.
  2. Starting position: Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended straight above your chest, palms facing each other.
  3. The descent: Slowly lower the dumbbells towards your forehead by bending at the elbows. Keep your upper arms stationary – all the movement should be at the elbow joint.
  4. The squeeze: When the dumbbells are near your forehead, pause briefly. Feel that stretch in your triceps? That’s where the magic happens.
  5. The ascent: Power the dumbbells back up to the starting position, focusing on squeezing your triceps at the top of the movement.

Guidelines for Safe and Effective Build Insane Triceps by Doing Skull Crushers – Laz – Tymoff

Safety first, gains second. Here’s how to keep your skull crusher game strong and injury-free:

Start light: Ego has no place here. Begin with a weight you can control for 10-12 reps with perfect form.

Slow and steady: Control the weight throughout the entire movement. Momentum is not your friend in skull crushers.

Elbow position: Keep those elbows tucked and pointing towards the ceiling, not flaring out to the sides.

Wrist alignment: Maintain straight wrists throughout the movement to avoid unnecessary strain.

Core engagement: Keep your lower back pressed against the bench and your core tight for stability.

Dumbbell Skull Crushers’ Advantages Include:

Why should you give dumbbell skull crushers a shot? Here’s the rundown:

  1. Balanced development: Working each arm independently ensures both triceps get equal attention, preventing imbalances.
  2. Increased range of motion: Dumbbells allow for a slightly deeper stretch at the bottom of the movement, potentially leading to greater muscle growth.
  3. Stability challenge: Controlling two separate weights engages more stabilizer muscles, contributing to overall arm and shoulder strength.
  4. Versatility: Easy to perform at home or in a crowded gym, dumbbells offer flexibility in your workout routine.
  5. Joint-friendly: The neutral grip of dumbbell skull crushers can be easier on the wrists and elbows for some lifters.

Specified Muscles

While skull crushers primarily target your triceps, they’re not working in isolation. Here’s a breakdown of the muscles getting in on the action:

Primary muscle: Triceps brachii (long head, lateral head, and medial head)

Secondary muscles: Anconeus (small muscle behind your elbow)

Stabilizers: Pectoralis major (chest), anterior deltoids (front shoulders)

Understanding which muscles are working helps you visualize the movement and focus on proper engagement for maximum results.

Typical Errors to Avoid

Even seasoned lifters can fall into bad habits. Here are some common skull crusher pitfalls to watch out for:

Flaring elbows: Keep those elbows pointed towards the ceiling, not out to the sides.

Using momentum: Swinging the weight up defeats the purpose. Control is key.

Neglecting full range of motion: Don’t cheat yourself out of gains. Lower the weight until you feel a good stretch in your triceps.

Wrist bending: Keep your wrists straight to avoid unnecessary strain.

Lifting the head: Your head should stay in contact with the bench throughout the movement.

Overcoming Obstacles and Stagnations

Hit a plateau? Don’t sweat it. Here’s how to bust through and keep those triceps growing:

Progressive overload: Gradually increase the weight or reps over time. Your muscles need a reason to keep adapting.

Tempo changes: Play with the speed of your reps. Slow negatives can spark new growth.

Drop sets: Finish your sets with lighter weights to push past failure and stimulate more muscle fibers.

Rest-pause sets: Take brief pauses during your set to squeeze out more reps and increase time under tension.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of It

Tips for Getting the Most Out of It

Want to supercharge your skull crusher results? Try these pro tips:

Mind-muscle connection: Focus on feeling your triceps working throughout the entire movement.

Proper breathing: Exhale as you push the weight up, inhale as you lower it.

Pre-exhaust: Try doing some triceps pushdowns before skull crushers to really feel the burn.

Superset: Pair skull crushers with a compound movement like close-grip bench press for a killer triceps workout.

Safety Measures

Respect the weight, respect your body. Follow these safety guidelines to keep crushing those skull crushers injury-free:

Warm-up thoroughly: Get those elbows and triceps ready with some light extensions and arm circles.

Use a spotter: Especially when going heavy, having a buddy around can prevent accidents.

Listen to your body: If you feel pain (not just muscle fatigue), stop and reassess your form.

Proper equipment: Ensure you’re using a stable bench and well-maintained weights.

Monitoring Progress

Tracking your skull crusher journey keeps you motivated and helps you spot areas for improvement:

Keep a log: Record weights, reps, and sets for each workout.

Take measurements: Measure your arm circumference monthly to track growth.

Progress photos: Visual changes can be motivating and revealing.

Strength milestones: Set goals for weight increases and celebrate when you hit them.

Nutrition for Muscle Growth

You can’t build insane triceps on exercise alone. Your nutrition game needs to be on point too:


The building block of muscle. Aim for 1.6-2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight daily. Sources include lean meats, fish, eggs, and plant-based options like legumes and tofu.


Fuel for your workouts and recovery. Focus on complex carbs like whole grains, sweet potatoes, and oats for sustained energy.


Essential for hormone production, including testosterone which is crucial for muscle growth. Include sources like avocados, nuts, and olive oil in your diet.


Stay hydrated to support muscle function and recovery. Aim for at least 3-4 liters daily, more if you’re sweating a lot during workouts.

Minerals and Vitamins

Don’t neglect the micronutrients. Zinc and magnesium are particularly important for muscle growth and recovery. Load up on leafy greens, nuts, and seeds.


While whole foods should be your primary focus, supplements can fill in the gaps:

Creatine: Proven to enhance strength and muscle growth. Whey protein: Convenient for hitting your protein goals, especially post-workout. BCAAs: Can help with muscle recovery and reducing soreness.

Recovery and Rest

Building insane triceps isn’t just about the work you put in at the gym. Recovery plays a crucial role:

Adequate sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours per night. This is when your body does most of its repair work.

Rest days: Give your triceps at least 48 hours between targeted workouts to allow for recovery and growth.

Active recovery: Light activities like swimming or yoga can promote blood flow and aid recovery without overtaxing your muscles.

Incorporating Skull Crushers into Your Routine

Now that you’re armed with knowledge, let’s talk about how to fit skull crushers into your workout plan:

Frequency: Target your triceps 2-3 times per week for optimal growth.

Placement in workout: Do skull crushers early in your triceps routine when your arms are fresh.

Volume: Start with 3 sets of 8-12 reps, adjusting based on your experience and goals.

Progression: Increase weight or reps gradually every 2-3 weeks to ensure continuous challenge.

Advanced Techniques for Explosive Triceps Growth

Ready to take your skull crusher game to the next level? Try these advanced techniques:

Resistance bands: Add bands to your barbell or dumbbells for variable resistance throughout the movement.

Partial reps: Perform the top half of the movement for a few extra reps after reaching failure to really torch your triceps.

Eccentric focus: Lower the weight over 3-5 seconds to increase time under tension and stimulate more muscle fibers.

One-and-a-half reps: Perform a full rep, then a half rep, then repeat. This increases time under tension and challenges your muscles in new ways.

Remember, these techniques are advanced for a reason. Incorporate them slowly and ensure your form stays on point to avoid injury.

Integrating Skull Crushers with Other Exercises

While skull crushers are a powerhouse move for triceps development, they shouldn’t stand alone. Here’s how to create a well-rounded arm routine:

Compound movements: Start your workout with exercises like close-grip bench press or dips. These hit your triceps hard while engaging other muscle groups.

Isolation exercises: Follow up with skull crushers and other isolation moves like tricep pushdowns or overhead extensions.

Bicep work: Don’t neglect the front of your arms. Alternate tricep and bicep exercises for balanced development and to prevent fatigue.

This approach ensures you’re targeting your arms from all angles, promoting balanced growth and strength.

Common Myths About Triceps Training

Let’s bust some myths that might be holding back your triceps gains:

Myth 1: High reps for definition, low reps for size Truth: Muscle definition comes from low body fat. Focus on progressive overload for growth, regardless of rep range.

Myth 2: Triceps don’t need direct work if you’re benching Truth: While compound moves hit your triceps, direct work like skull crushers is crucial for maximum development.

Myth 3: Skull crushers are dangerous for your elbows Truth: When done with proper form and appropriate weight, skull crushers can actually strengthen the area around your elbows.

Adjusting Skull Crushers for Different Fitness Levels

Beginners: Start with light dumbbells or an empty bar to master the movement. Focus on controlled reps rather than weight. Aim for 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Intermediate: Experiment with different bars (straight bar, EZ-bar) and angles. Increase weight progressively. Try 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps.

Advanced: Incorporate advanced techniques like drop sets or resistance bands. Experiment with low rep, heavy weight sets for strength gains. Consider 4-5 sets, varying rep ranges (6-12) for different workouts.

The Mind-Muscle Connection in Skull Crushers

Developing a strong mind-muscle connection can dramatically improve your results:

Visualization: Before each set, visualize your triceps contracting and extending.

Focus points: Concentrate on your triceps throughout the entire movement, not just the lifting phase.

Controlled tempo: Use a slow, controlled tempo to really feel each part of the movement.

Isometric holds: Occasionally pause at the bottom of the movement to intensify the stretch and engagement.

Dealing with Common Triceps Training Plateaus

Hit a wall with your triceps growth? Try these strategies:

Change the angle: Switch between flat, incline, and decline bench positions.

Alter your grip: Experiment with close, medium, and wide grips to target different parts of the triceps.

Frequency adjustment: Try increasing or decreasing your triceps training frequency for a few weeks.

Time under tension: Slow down your reps or add pauses to increase muscle fiber recruitment.

The Role of Stretching and Mobility in Triceps Development

The Role of Stretching and Mobility in Triceps Development

Don’t overlook the importance of flexibility in your triceps routine:

Dynamic warm-up: Perform arm circles and triceps swings before your workout.

Post-workout stretching: Hold triceps stretches for 20-30 seconds after training to improve flexibility and aid recovery.

Foam rolling: Use a foam roller on your triceps to release tension and improve blood flow.

Regular mobility work: Incorporate exercises to maintain healthy shoulder and elbow joints.

Troubleshooting Common Skull Crusher Issues

Experiencing discomfort or not seeing results? Here are some fixes:

Elbow pain: Check your form, reduce the weight, or try using an EZ-bar for a more natural grip.

Wrist discomfort: Ensure your wrists stay straight throughout the movement. Wrist wraps can provide extra support if needed.

Uneven triceps development: Incorporate unilateral (single-arm) variations to address imbalances.

Lack of growth: Reassess your overall volume, intensity, and recovery. You might need to increase your training stimulus or improve your nutrition.

The Psychological Aspect of Building Insane Triceps

Mental strength is just as important as physical strength:

Set realistic goals: Aim for gradual, sustainable progress rather than overnight transformation.

Celebrate small wins: Acknowledge improvements in strength, form, and muscle definition along the way.

Stay consistent: Remember that results come from long-term dedication, not sporadic intense workouts.

Positive self-talk: Replace negative thoughts with affirmations about your strength and potential.

Future Trends in Triceps Training

As fitness science evolves, so do training methods. Keep an eye on these emerging trends:

Blood flow restriction training: Using specialized bands to restrict blood flow during light-weight exercises, potentially enhancing muscle growth.

Electrical muscle stimulation: Incorporating EMS devices into triceps training for increased muscle activation.

AI-guided form correction: Using smartphone apps or smart mirrors to provide real-time feedback on your skull crusher form.

Personalized genetics-based training: Tailoring triceps workouts based on individual genetic profiles for optimal results.

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Building insane triceps through skull crushers is a journey that combines science, dedication, and a bit of art. By mastering the form, understanding the underlying principles, and consistently challenging yourself, you’re setting the stage for impressive arm development.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are show-stopping triceps. Embrace the process, stay patient, and trust in the work you’re putting in. With each rep, you’re not just building muscle; you’re sculpting a testament to your dedication and perseverance.

So, channel your inner Laz Tymoff, approach each skull crusher session with focus and intensity, and watch as your triceps transform from ordinary to extraordinary. The path to insane triceps is clear – all that’s left is for you to crush it!

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